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A wonderful sextant by Hemisferium, a company specialized in the production of ancient scientific instruments.

This instrument is actually a reproduction of a 17th century Octant. Despite its inaccuracy in measuring the height of the sun and stars, it allowed navigators to determine geographical latitude.

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NEMO Science Museum

This instrument is actually a reproduction of a 17th century Octant. Despite its inaccuracy in measuring the height of the sun and stars, it allowed navigators to determine geographical latitude.

In 1731 J. Hadley (England) and T. Godfrey (USA) independently proved the Octant. The arc of the Octant is 45° or 1/8 of the circumference (hence the name). The Sextant (1757) replaced the wooden frame with a metal one, progressively replaced the Octant and continues to be used.

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