Houten scheepsbouw in de Nederlanden van de late middeleeuwen tot nu


The construction and navigation of wooden ships is anchored in Dutch history, psyche, language and culture. As instruments of trade, fishing and warfare at sea, wooden ships symbolise a seafaring existence that has determined the economic and political development of the Netherlands for centuries.

This book tells about wooden shipbuilding from the late Middle Ages to the nineteenth century, and the knowledge about it in the present day. Maritime archaeology and historical research into shipwrecks are discussed extensively, but also stories from practice, about shipyards, construction techniques and the construction of replicas.

With contributions by Bram Belder, Jeroen ter Brugge, Geke Burger, Charlotte Jarvis, Hendrik Lettany, Martijn Manders, Alice Neet, Alice Overmeer, Tim Streefkerk, Jeroen Vermeersch, Wouter Waldus, Gerald de Weerdt and Erik Wijshake.

Availability: In stock

Sold by Het Scheepvaartmuseum
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Het Scheepvaartmuseum
Item will be shipped in 1-3 business days
Weight0,2 kg
Dimensions24 × 22 × 1,6 cm
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Houten scheepsbouw in de Nederlanden van de late middeleeuwen tot nu

Availability: In stock

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