
Looking for that one catalogue on that interesting exhibition you visited, but you forgot to buy it at the museum? Here’s your chance to order it online! We offer catalogues from a range of present, past and future exhibitions from leading Dutch museums. Buy one of our beautifully illustrated museum catalogues and take your exhibition experience home with you. Leasurely flip through the pages as you gain more background and in-depth knowledge about history, culture and art.

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A catalogue gives you an in-depth insight into a certain exhibition. It allows for an exploration of the thought process behind the exhibition and the way it was put together and executed.

A catalogue does not have to be large and expensive, but it should have quality content, good design and appealing images. We have all this covered with our catalogues which are high quality printed on high quality paper, with detailed images that are clearly labelled so as you can easily locate what you’re looking for.

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