Triceratops Kitpas crayons 6pcs


what color will your triceratops be?

6 crayons in a box: white, red, yellow, green, blue and black

Colors on paper, wood, cork, windows, glass, whiteboards and mirrors. Easy to remove with a wet cloth (excluded from paper, wood and cork)

Made from rice wax oil.

UGS : 2500000003073 Catégorie : Étiquettes : , , , ,
Vendu par Naturalis
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These crayons are part of the triceratops collection made for the new exhibition ‘The Herd’.

In 2013, a team of experts from Naturalis stumbled upon a unique find in Wyoming, USA. Over the course of several expeditions to the site, the researchers uncovered hundreds of fossilised bones and bone fragments of the world-famous dinosaur species Triceratops Horridus, all at a single location. They turned out to belong to five individuals – a herd! Such a large and significant find is unprecedented worldwide.

Poids0,066 kg
Dimensions9 × 8 × 2 cm


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Triceratops Kitpas crayons 6pcsTriceratops Kitpas crayons 6pcs
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