De schilders van Drenthe


With more than 200 reproductions in colour, this book is an extensive overview of artists who painted on location in Drenthe from the 18th and 19th century up until the 20th.

Only available in Dutch.

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With more than 200 reproductions in colour, “De schilders van Drenthe” is an extensive overview of artists who painted on location in Drenthe from the 18th and 19th century up until the 20th.

Armed with pencil, field easel and tubes of paint, artists defied the barren but beautiful landscape of Drenthe from as early as the 18th century. First, they painted romantic landscapes, showing the sublime nature of the province. Later artists painted more impressionistic views of nature with bold colours. For these artists, Drenthe was considered the last ‘’unspoiled’’ area of the Netherlands. A true painter’s paradise!

Besides Dutch painters, some foreign artists were also captivated by this province’s landscape. In the art world, ‘Drentsch’ is even an established trademark. It refers to an ancient landscape with vast moors, mysterious dolmens and picturesque villages. “De schilders van Drenthe” shows that the work of these artists all contributed to the formation of Drenthe’s visual identity.

“De schilders van Drenthe” includes work by Vincent van Gogh, Jan Altink, Max Liebermann, Hendrik Willem Mesdag, Alexander Mollinger, Julius van de Sande Bakhuyzen and many others.

This book is only available in Dutch.

Are you interested in art from and about Drenthe? “100x Kunst op zien Drents” combines special pieces from the Drents Museum with words from the Drenthe language.

Poids0,8 kg
Dimensions22 × 22 × 3 cm
Méthode de reliure







Publication date

November 2017




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De schilders van DrentheDe schilders van Drenthe
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