Revolusi. Indonesia and the Birth of the Modern World (English translation)


A story of staggering scope and drama, Revolusi is the masterful and definitive account of the epic revolution that sparked the decolonisation of the modern world.

Verfügbarkeit: Nur noch 2 vorrätig

Artikelnummer: 9781847927057 Kategorie: Schlagwörter: , , ,
Verkauft durch De Nieuwe Kerk Amsterdam
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De Nieuwe Kerk Amsterdam

On a sunny Friday morning in August 1945, a handful of tired people raised a homemade cotton flag and on behalf of 68 million compatriots announced the birth of a new nation: Indonesia.

Four million civilians had died during the Japanese wartime occupation that ousted its Dutch colonial regime. Another 200,000 people would lose their lives in the astonishingly brutal conflict that ensued – as the Dutch used savage violence to reassert their control, and as Britain and America became embroiled in pacifying Indonesia’s guerrilla war of resistance: the ‚Revolusi‘. It was not until December 1949 that the newly created United Nations finally brought the conflict an end – and with it, 350 years of colonial rule – setting a precedent that would reshape the world.

Drawing on hundreds of interviews and eye-witness testimonies, David Van Reybrouck turns this vast and complex story into an utterly gripping narrative that is alive with human detail at every turn. A landmark publication, Revolusi shows Indonesia’s struggle for independence to be one of the defining dramas of the twentieth century.

Gewicht0,820 kg
Größe24 × 16 × 5,3 cm








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Revolusi. Indonesia and the Birth of the Modern World (English translation)

Verfügbarkeit: Nur noch 2 vorrätig

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