GWA started in 2004 as the Grafisch Werkcentrum Amsterdam in Amsterdam East. Three gentlemen, including the two manual typesetters Wiek Molin and Martin Veltman, watched with dismay as the printing presses in their immediate vicinity were taken to the scrap metal. They decided to look for a house for it, and found one on Molukkenstraat. It turned out to be a visionary idea: thanks to them, this important heritage has been preserved and made widely accessible. GWA offers courses in typesetting, linocut, woodcut, bookbinding, polymer and drypoint/etching. From 2017 onwards, GWA is better known as Grafische Werkplaats Amsterdam. With TYPO to place more emphasis on extensive typesetting.

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    In the spring of 2021, GWA moved to the NDSM shipyard in Amsterdam North. After 17 years, the workshop had to leave its base in East, and since then you can find the thousands of kilos of lead behind enormous blue doors in the monumental Shipbuilding Warehouse.

    The workshop is open on Mondays and Wednesdays to Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Every Friday at the end of the afternoon you can come in with ideas for printing projects.

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