Through Darkest Seas | Graeme Cocks



The amazing true, behind-the-scenes story of the construction and voyaging of Australia’s first ship.

A gripping new book!

Disponibilité : En stock

UGS : 9780992507831 Catégorie : Étiquettes : , , , ,
Vendu par Het Scheepvaartmuseum
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About Duyfken

The first Duyfken (Little Dove) was sailed from The Netherlands to Indonesia and then to Australia.

Duyfken was the first ship recorded in history to visit what we now know as Australia. Her Ship’s Master, Willem Jansz, charted the waters in and around Cape York Peninsula in 1606. That voyage resulted in the Australian land mass being represented on a world map for the first time. The 1606 voyage also marked the first time in recorded European history that Aboriginal people met people from the outside world.

In 1993, an idea sparked the imagination of a group of people in Fremantle, Western Australia. That idea was to build a replica of Duyfken and the vision grew to create a seaworthy replica which could sail the world’s great oceans like her namesake.

The Duyfken Replica was constructed in Fremantle over four years. A true community project, West Australians from all walks of life contributed to raising funds to build the ship. Governments and the corporate world made major contributions. Over four years, West Australian shipwrights carved her, piece-by-piece, out of European Oak and local timber.

The reborn Duyfken was launched in 1999. It is now regarded as the most exacting replica of a 16th century ‘Age of Discovery’ sailing ship.

Duyfken then embarked on her two great voyages.

Poids0,2 kg
Dimensions23 × 15 × 10 cm
Méthode de reliure







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Through Darkest Seas | Graeme Cocks

Disponibilité : En stock

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