Flag garland African fabric


This flag garland is made of African fabric. The purchase of this product helps young tailors in Benin to make a living and start their own business through the local foundation ONG-AJP.

Disponibilité : Plus que 3 en stock

UGS : 5508-0707(EXT) Catégorie : Étiquettes : , , , , , , ,
Vendu par Wereldmuseum
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The purchase of this flag garland helps young tailors in the West African country of Benin. Here, students often pay huge sums to learn the trade. In some cases, they work for free in fashion studios for three years and still have to pay to receive a diploma. ONG-AJP fights against this and provides training for youth to become a mechanic, welder, hairdresser, carpenter or seamstress and help them set up their own business.


ONG-AJP is a local foundation in Benin. Tailor Gratien Gbaguidi and teacher Romain Alapini are the founders of this foundation, which focuses on the following activities:

  • stimulating existing workshops to offer young people a cheap, good workplace and professional training
  • offering supplementary training to the instructors
  • supporting young people to establish their own workshops by providing them with starter packets
  • offering literacy programs

ONG-AJP works closely together with the Dutch foundation Kind in Benin (« Child in Benin »). Kind in Benin  coordinates the shipment and sale of this flag garland and other products in the shops of Tropenmuseum and Museum Volkenkunde.


The garland is 4m and has 13 flags.

Next to this flag garland, you can also purchase a folding bag

Poids0,220 kg
Dimensions22 × 13 × 3 cm


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Disponibilité : Plus que 3 en stock

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