
Complaint about a product or service of DMGS

If you have a complaint about our products or our service, you can contact us via the contact form. You will receive a substantive response from us within 14 days of receiving your complaint. If you do not agree with the solution or if we cannot reach a solution together? Then you can submit your complaint to the Thuiswinkel Disputes Committee, PO Box 90600, 2509 LP in The Hague, The Netherlands ( You can also submit your complaint to the Disputes Committee via the European ODR Platform (

Complaint about product or service from one of the museums affiliated with DMGS

If you have a complaint about a product or service from one of the museums affiliated with DMGS, you can contact us via the contact form. We will then share your complaint with the museum and you will receive a substantive response from us within 14 days of receipt of your complaint. If you do not agree with the solution or if we cannot reach a solution together? Then you can submit your complaint to the Thuiswinkel Disputes Committee, PO Box 90600, 2509 LP in The Hague, The Netherlands ( You can also submit your complaint to the Disputes Committee via the European ODR Platform (

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